
Adverb - Parts of speech


بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم 




Adverb: is derived from the Latin word "Adverbium" which means to add something the verb.


Definition: adverb is a word, phrase, or a clause that modifies five things.


1)     Verb

2)     Adverb

3)     Adjective

4)     Clause

5)     Sentence


► Adverb modifying a verb                          Ex: She teaches well.

Adverb modifying an adjective                 Ex: She is very beautiful.

► Adverb modifying adverb                         Ex: Ali sings quite beautiful.

► Adverb modifying a clause           

Ex: Luckily, she saved her life, but we will hear next time

Adverb modifying a sentence

Ex: Perhaps, she will come again.

Ex: She will come again, perhaps.

Ex: Luckily, Pakistan won the match.

Adverb as a word

Ex: Ali dances beautifully.

Ex: She comes late.

Ex: We go there.

Adverb as a phrase

Ex: Our class starts at 2:00 pm.

Ex: She speaks in a friendly way.



►Adverb as clause

Ex: I could pass if I studied hard.

Ex: Because I am tired, I can't go out with you.


Note: adverb is a word or a phrase that answers the following questions.

When?             Where?            How?              Why, how come?

To what degree?         To what extent?

Under what condition

How + adjective



Kinds of adverb: There are 10 kinds of adverb.

1)     Interrogative Adverb: is an adverb that is used to ask a question that needs a complete answer.

Why/ Where/ When/ How + auxiliary verb


Note: how: can be followed by an adjective as an adverb.

Ex: How old are you?                         Ex: How often do you perform the prayer?


2)     Relative Adverb: is an adverb that combines two clauses and makes an adjective clause from the second sentence.

Where/ When

Ex: The building is old. My grandparents live there.

Ex: The building where my grandparents live is old.

Ex: I remember the day. We started our class then.

Ex: I remember the day when we started our class.







3)     Adverb of manner: is an adverb that shows who someone does something. It ends in "LY". It is formed by adding LY, ILY, and Ally to an adjective.


Structure: Adjective +ly, ily, ally = adverb of manner


Using ly: most adjectives take to become adverbs.

Adjective                                                        Adverb

            Smart                                                              Smartly

Quick                                                              Quickly

Clever                                                             Cleverly

Bad                                                                  Badly

Slow                                                                Slowly

Careful                                                            Carefully

Strict                                                               Strictly

Sharp                                                               Sharply


Using ILY: adjectives ending in "Y" will take LY. Change "1" and ILY will be added to an adjective.

Adjective                                                        Adverb

Happy                                                             Happily

Easy                                                                Easily

Lazy                                                                Lazily

Crazy                                                              Crazily

Heavy                                                              Heavily

Busy                                                                Busily

Noisy                                                              Noisily





Using Ally: adjectives ending in "IC" take Ally in adverb form.

Adjective                                                        Adverb

Basic                                                               Basically

Romantic                                                        Romantically

Rustic                                                              Rustically

Systematic                                                      Systematically

Energetic                                                        Energetically

Economic                                                        Economically

Automatic                                                       Automatically

Drastic                                                            Drastically


Note: the following four words which are adverbs of manner never take "ly".


Adjective                                                        Adverb

Late                                                                 Late

Hard                                                                Hard

Fast                                                                 Fast

Well                                                                Well


Ex: Ali is always late for his class. (Adjective)

Ex: Ali always comes late to his class. (Adverb)

Ex: Teaching is a hard job.

Ex: Usman is a fast runner.

Ex: Ali works very hard.

Ex: Usman runs very fast.

Ex: She is going to sing well.

Ex: Laila seems very well.


Note: Sometimes, the adverb of manner can be formed by adding "LY" to some nouns.

Noun + ly                                            adverb

Father                                                  fatherly

Brother                                                brotherly

Sister                                                   sisterly

Mother                                                motherly


Ex: Ali and Kamran spend time brotherly.

Ex: She is taking care of me sisterly.

Ex: She is living with us motherly.

Ex: He was talking to me fatherly.


Note: how to change "ly adjective" to adverb of manner?

Structure: In + a/an + ly adjective+ way/ manner


Some “ly” adjective:

Lonely/ Lovely/ Silly/ Ugly/ Deadly/ Lively/ Friendly

Ex: He will spend the rest of his life in a lonely way.

Ex: Lion is a deadly animal. He hunts in a deadly manner.

Ex: She teaches English in a friendly manner.



4)     Adverb of place: is an adverb that is used to show the place of an action or state.

Ex: Laila lives on the main road.

Ex: Uzma is standing over there.




5)     Adverb of time: is an adverb that shows the time of an action or state in the present, past or in the future. It has two kinds.


a)     Adverb of definite time: shows exact time in the present, past or future.

Ex: We finished adjectives yesterday.

Ex: She was in the hospital last night.

Ex: They will come the day after tomorrow.



b)    Adverb of indefinite time: doesn't show exact time in the past and future.


Note: most often past is used. Some indefinite adverb of time

Lately, recently, anymore, ever, yet, already, so for, just, sometimes, before, after, etc.

Ex: He has come to class lately.

Ex: I don't see you anymore.

Ex: Have you ever seen such a stupid person?



6)     Adverb of frequency: is an adverb that shows the repetition of an action or state.

It has two kinds.

a)     Adverb of indefinite frequency: shows the exact repetition of an action.

Some adverbs: Daly, every day, once, twice, thrice, three times, four times, a couple of times, weekly, monthly, yearly etc.

Ex: I go to Tirah yearly.

Ex: Saleem goes to the village weekly.

Ex: They smoke once a day.


b)    Adverb of indefinite frequency: doesn't show exact repetition.

Always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, seldom, rarely, never, etc.

Ex: I sometimes can't make examples.

Ex: I usually see her going to school.

Ex: She always speaks a lie.





7)     Adverb of degree: is an adverb that makes the meaning of adjective or adverb stronger. Very/ Too So Quite/ Pretty/ Fairly/ Rather/ Really/ Right + adjective or adverb

Enough adjective or adverb + enough

Ex: Najila is very beautiful.

Ex: The weather is too hot.

Ex: Farah Naz sings pretty beautiful.

Ex: This water is so cold. I can't drink it.

Ex: I love Karishma rather much.

Ex: Shila dances fairly well.

Ex: Noor bas is very beautiful.

Ex: He came right now.


Note: Emphasizing adverbs are right, even, really etc.



8)     Sentence adverb: is an adverb that modifies a sentence or a clause. It is used at the beginning or end of a sentence.

Some common sentences are the followings:

Fortunately, luckily, maybe, perhaps, hopefully, basically, frankly, mercifully, seriously, and ideally, etc.

Ex: Honestly, I didn't want to cheat you.

Ex: We won the match, luckily.

Ex: Basically, I am from Khyber.



9)     Focusing adverb: is an adverb that focuses on a particular word in a sentence. Just, only, mainly, specially, especially, barely, merely, scarcely, hardly etc.

Ex: I only asked her name and she got angry.

Ex: This course is mainly designed for children.

Ex: Ali can hardly spell his name.

Ex: I just finished one chapter.






10) Conjunctive adverb: also called transition or connective adverb. It is used in formal speech or writing to combine our ideas in sentences, paragraphs, and essays. It is used in three positions.  


1.     First sentence ./; + transition + , + sub + verb + comp

Ex: I am very sick. Therefore, I can't come to class.

Ex: I am very sick; therefore, I can't come to class.


2.     First sentence ./; sub + , + transition + , + verb + comp

Ex: Usman came to class. He, however, was very sick.

Ex: Usman come to class; he, however, was very sick.


3.     First sentence ./;  + sub + verb + comp+,+ transition

Ex: My grandfather was very sick. He died, eventually.

Ex: My grandfather was very sick: he died, eventually.



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