
Basic Pedagogy MCQS Part-02


بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم 


Basic Pedagogy MCQS Part-02

1)     Learners are based on inquiries who have a long-term view of their learning. Finding more complexity and uncertainty.

  • Peeragogy.  
  • Heutagogy.  
  • Andragogy.
  • all of these.


2)     Focuses on co-learning or co-creating.

  • Andragogy
  • Heutagogy
  • Cybergogy
  • Peeragogy


3)     Encourages learner engagement in an online environment.

  •  Heutagogy
  •  Cybergogy
  •  Peeragogy
  •  None of these


4)     The first learning center of a child is ______.

  •  School
  •  Society
  •  Home
  •  All


5)     The use of scoring guide to test the quality of students.  

  •  List card
  •  Rating scale
  •  Rubrics
  •  None of these


6)     Education according to John Dewey is:

  •  Prepare for future life
  •  Shaping
  •  Learning to do by doing
  •  Struggling


7)     According to John Dewey, the Schools should prepare students for______.

  •  Research
  •  Fighting
  •  Present life
  •  Future life


8)     According to John Dewey, educational process has two sides:

  •  economical and sociological
  •  psychological and sociological
  •  economical and philosophical
  •  sociological and philosophical


9)     Which of the following is dimensional teaching aid?

  •  Display board
  •  Still picture
  •  White board
  •  Model


10)  Rousseau advocated an educational method which consisted of removing the child from.

  •  School
  •  Family
  •  Society
  •  Friends


11)  _______ is the child's first educational institution.

  •  Peer
  •  Home
  •  Village
  •  School


12)  The child's first teacher is his:

  •  Friends
  •  Peer
  •  Parents
  •  All of these


13)  According to John Locke, there is nothing in a child's brain:

  •  External thinking
  •  Perception
  •  Innate ideas
  •  Observation


14)  Postgraduate knowledge is the knowledge that is freely known ______.

  •  Observation
  •  Experiences
  •  Data
  •  None of these


15)  The philosopher who for the first time mentioned the importance of play (sports) in education was ______.

  •  John Dewey
  •  Plato
  •  Aristotle
  •  Socrates


16)  Who said that man is a social animal?

  •  Al-Ghazali
  •  Aristotle
  •  Plato
  •  Socrates


17)  The idea of practical learning means education should apply to the ______.

  •  Only Jobs area
  •  Sometime
  •  Real word
  •  Practice


18)  The use of technology to enhance the learning process is called ______ in education.

  •  ICT
  •  GT
  •  Communicational technology


19)  Who said Education refers to the process of discovering the principles of truth, beauty and good and acquiring the individual with them?

  •  Aristotle
  •  Plato
  •  Socrates
  •  J.S. Mill


20)  If a child mental age of 6 years and chronological age of 3 years than what will be the IQ of child?

  •  200
  •  90
  •  56
  •  102


21)  What will be the IQ of 25 years old boy whose mental age is 16?

  •  55.5
  •  66.6
  •  75.5
  •  100


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