
Basic Pedagogy MCQS Part-04


بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم 


Basic Pedagogy MCQS Part-04 


     1)     Which of the following strategies is most suitable for introducing a lesson?

  • Demonstration
  • Lecture
  • Questioning
  • None of these


     2)     Basic education means ______

  • System of education
  • Poor learning
  • Basic of any learning
  • none of these


     3)     Which of the following sense is widely used experience's in getting large information?

  • Visual
  • Taste
  • Touch
  • Smell


     4)     The word Education is derived from a ______ word "Educatum".

  • French
  • Latin
  • English
  • Hindi


     5)     Education is the combination of ______ Latin word.

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4


     6)     Education is derived from a Latin word?

  • Educate
  • Educere
  • Evaluation
  • Learning


     7)     Education means ______

  • Transfer of Education
  • change in behavior
  • To bring out
  • All of these


      8)     Every system of education is based on?

  • Ideology of nation
  • Social development
  • Intellectual development
  • Skill development


     9)     _____ is a social process that enables an individual for a balanced life.

  • Learning
  • Communication
  • Education
  • Helping


     10)  Education is process through which a ______ transmits it’s collected excellence to the next generation.

  • Society
  • Individual
  • Group
  • None of these


     11)  According to Piagets, education should be the main goal _______

  • To help students how to learn
  • To change student behavior
  • To adjust the student with his environment
  • To bring change in students’ attitude


     12)  Which of the following is not the characteristic of education?

  • Factual absorption
  • Lifelong activity
  • Formal and informal activity
  • Experience of life


     13)   ____________ is the greatest means of fulfilling the purpose of education.

  • Teacher
  • Curriculum
  • Method of teaching
  • Evaluation


     14)  The basic source of education objective is?

  • Human experience
  • School
  • Educational psychology
  • Professional organization


     15)  Determining the ________ of education is the responsibility of society.

  • Aim
  • Goal
  • Objective
  • Job


     16)  Whole education system revolves around ______

  • Society
  • Program
  • Teacher
  • Student


     17)  There are main the Modes/Types of education?

  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6


     18)  ______ learning usually takes place in the premises of the school, where a person may learn basic academic, or trade skill.

  • Formal
  • Informal
  • Non-formal


     19)  Process of living is called _______ learning.

  • Formal
  • Informal
  • Non-formal


     20)  ______to sometime arranges or sometime not arrange. It has also ruled but the rules in the form of education are flexible.

  • Formal
  • Informal
  • Non-Formal


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