
Pronoun - Parts of Speech

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم 



    A pronoun is the combination of two words "pro" which means "for" and "noun" which means "name", so pronoun means for a noun. The word pronoun is derived from the Latin word "pronomen" which means "for a noun".

Definition: A Pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun to avoid its unnecessary repetition in a sentence is called pronoun.

Or: Pronoun is a word that is used to replace a noun or refer to a noun in our speech.

Ex: Ali is a good boy. He studies in my class and he is the only son of his father.

Note: Pronoun can also be used as antecedents.

Ex: He is my friend. (Replacing a noun)

Ex: He is our teacher. (Replacing a noun) 

Ex: They are Ali and Ahmad. (Referring as the antecedent)

Ex: She is a nurse. 

Ex: She is Laila.

Ex: He is Ali. 

Ex: She is Laila.

Ex: They are Haider and Qasim.

Cases of pronoun:

Cases: Shows where a pronoun is placed in a sentence and what grammatical function it has. A pronoun is commonly used in five cases:

1) Subjective case or nominative case: 

    In this case, a pronoun is used before a verb. In this case, pronoun functions as a subject of a sentence.

Ex: He is studying. They go to school. 

2) Objective or accusative cases: 

    In this case, a pronoun is used after the main verb and suffers the result of an action.

Ex: She slapped him. We love it. We beat them.

3) Oblique case or object of a preposition:

    In this case, a pronoun is placed after a preposition. 

Ex: This gift is for her.

Ex: He is talking with us. 

Ex: She stayed with him.

4) Subjective complement: 

    In this case, a pronoun is placed after any form of "be" to complete the meaning of a subject. 

Ex: Open the door. It is me.

5) Dative case or indirect object of a verb: 

    In this case, a pronoun is used as the indirect object of a verb and it receives the direct object.

Ex: She bought a car for him.

Kinds of pronouns 

There are twelve kinds of pronouns.

1) Subject pronoun:  

    It is a pronoun that is used by three persons.


First-person singular (1), First-person plural (We)


Second person singular and plural (You) 


Third-person singular (he), (she), (it) Third-person plural (they)

2) Objective Pronoun:  

    Objective pronoun is a pronoun that is used in the object case, and most often the receiver the action but not all the time. 

Subject pronoun object pronoun

I me

We us

You you

They them

He him

She her

It it

Ex: She deceived me. Ex: We beat them. Ex: Mr. Kevin taught us.

Ex: She loves you. Ex: I don't like her. Ex: Don't trust him.

3) Demonstrative pronoun: 

    Demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun that points out a near or far person or persons, thing or things, and place or places. 

This for near singular. 

These for near plural. 

That for far singular. 

Those for far plural singular. 

Such used for all the above four

Note: Noun should not be used after them or they will become a demonstrative adjective.

Ex: This notebook. Ex: These are markers. Ex: That is a wall fan. tables

Ex: Those are stores. Ex: Such is a table. 

4) Interrogative pronoun: 

    It is a pronoun that is used to ask a question that needs complete answers. 



What + verb



Ex: Who is your grammar teacher? Ex: What does your father do?

Ex: Which is more expensive? Ex: Whom do you love? 

Ex: Whose is this?

5) Possessive pronoun:

    It is a pronoun that is used to show ownership and possession.

I Mine 

We Ours

You Yours

They Theirs + no noun should be used

She Hers

He His

It Its 

Ex: This book is mine. Ex: This class is ours. Ex: Is that car yours?

Ex: Those cars are theirs. Ex: This purse is hers. Ex: We like the models of these cars but it is better.

Ex: Many students rave presentations but I like them. 

6) Distributive pronoun: 

    It is a pronoun that talks about each person or thing separately. One 

Each one 

Every one (plural pronoun) 

Neither + of + specific plural noun + singular verb 



Ex: One of my friends is coming tonight. Ex: Each one of the boys has a notebook.

Ex: Every one of the teachers is teaching in his class. 

Ex: Neither of the Pakistani players plays well. Ex: Either of my students is hard working. 

Ex: None of my brothers is in Islamabad.

7) Relative pronoun:

    It is a pronoun that is used to combine two clauses and make an adjective clause from the second clause.





Ex: Ali is my friend. He has topped his college.

Ali, who has topped his college, is my friend.

8) Reflexive pronoun:

    It is a pronoun in which the action reflects the. Or: In this kind of pronoun, the subject and the object is the same person.

Myself, Ourselves, Yourself yourselves, Himself, Herself Itself. Themselves (formal) Their selves (informal)

Ex: I cut myself. Ex: We built this house ourselves.

Ex: You have to do this yourself. Ex: You have to write this assignment yourselves.

Ex: He broke it himself. Ex: She combs her hair herself.

Ex: This machine starts itself.

9)      Position of the reflexive pronoun: 

1: After the verb

Ex: He introduced himself. 

Ex: She told me the entire story herself.

2: After object or at the end

Ex: We took admission ourselves. 

Ex: We have written all the notes. 

Ex: I cooked myself the pizza. ourselves. 

Ex: They broke all the chairs themselves. 

Ex: They broke all the chairs themselves.

10)     Emphatic or intensive pronoun: 

    It is a reflexive pronoun that is used after the subject for the sake of emphasis. 

Ex: I by myself cut my finger.

Ex: We ourselves managed the class. 

Ex: They by themselves sacrifice the animals in Eid.

Ex: She herself crosses the road.

Ex: This machine itself starts.

Ex: 1, they and you introduced ourselves. 

Ex: She, he, and you killed the snake yourselves. 

Ex: He, she, and they invited themselves.

Note: the pronoun should be changed to reflexive pronoun based on first, second, and third persons.

11) Reciprocal pronoun: 

    It is a pronoun that is used to show a mutual s ship.

Each other, One another

Ex: We respect each other.

Ex: They slapped one another.

12) Indefinite pronoun: 

    It is a pronoun that doesn't show a particular person, thing, or sometimes place. They begin with some, any, no, and every in rare cases.

Pronoun Positive Negative Interrogative 



No Negative meaning


Person Thing Place

Somebody Something Somewhere


Anyone Nothing Nowhere



Anybody Anything Anywhere

Note: as subject: indefinite pronoun requires a singular verb. 

Ex: No one helps me in math.

Ex: There isn't anyone in the room.

Ex: Something seems wrong with her. 

Ex: Everyone respects me.

Note: Adjectives are always placed after an indefinite pronoun. 

Ex: We met someone interesting in at the party. 

Ex: We met somewhere quiet. 

Ex: landlord: get out of my house. Tenant: I have nowhere. Or I don't have anywhere. 

Ex: Everywhere looks so peaceful in Europe.

Ex: Nowhere is safe in Pakistan.

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