
Sentence - Parts of Speech


بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم 




Sentence: is derived from the Latin word "sententia" which means "a thought" or "opinion".

Definition: A sentence is a group of words, which contains a subject and predicate and has a complete sense.

Predicate: Everything without a subject in a sentence is called a predicate.

  • Ex: Haneef (Subject) comes (Predicate).
  • Ex: Haneef (Subject) is a doctor (Predicate).
  • Ex: Haneef (Subject) studies English (Predicate).
  • Ex: Haneef (Subject) studies English at Domino (Predicate).


  1. Elements of the sentence:

  1. Subject, Predicate
  2. Verb
  3. Object
  4. Complement


1. Subject: 

Subject is the person, place or thing that predicates talks about. Ex: He is our teacher. Ex: He teaches us very well.

The following things can be the subjects.

  1. Noun :                             English is an international language.
  2. Pronoun:                        She is kind
  3. Gerund:                          Swimming seems fun.
  4. Infinitive:                       To say is easy and to do is difficult.
  5. Noun clause:                What you say is true.
  6. Adjective as a noun:   The English take green tea.
  7. Phrase:                           Parts of speech is very essential.


2. Kinds of the subject: 

Subject has three kinds.

1-Simple subject: is the main subject, which governs the verb.

  • Ex: The boy goes to school.
  • Ex: The boys go to school.


2) Complete subject: is a simple subject along with all those words, which come before or after it.

  • Ex: The dusty old car (Complete subject) won't start any more (Predicate).


3: Compound subject: is two or more simple or complete subjects combined by conjunction.

  • Ex: Laila and Usman (Compound subject) are my students (Predicate).
  • Ex: Some boys from Chatral and some girls from Islamabad (Compound subject) Domino (Predicate).


Predicate: is the part of a sentence, which talks about the subject. Kinds of the predicate: There are three kinds of predicate.

1-     Simple predicate; is only the verb in a sentence.

  • Ex: we are learning (Simple predicate).
  • Ex: Ali works (Simple predicate).


2-     Complete predicate: is a simple predicate along with an object or 

  •       Ex: Ali goes to school (Complete predicate). complement.


3-     Compound predicate: is two or more simple or complete predicate combined by conjunction.

  •  Ex: She teaches and answers (Compound predicate).
  • Ex: She teaches lazy students and answers their questions (Compound predicate).



3. Kinds of sentence: 

There are six kinds of sentence

1-     Declarative/assertive sentence; is a sentence in which we state something. It can form a positive or negative statement.

  • Ex: I study at Domino. (Positive statement)
  • Ex: I don't study at Domino. (Negative statement)


2-     Interrogative sentence: is a sentence, which is used to ask WH or yes-no question.

  • Ex: Do you study at DOMINO?
  • Ex: Where you last night?


3-     Imperative sentence: is a sentence, which is used to show the followings.

  1. Advice                             respect the elders.
  2. Warning                         don't play with wild animals.
  3. Order                              bring me a glass of water soon.
  4. Direction                       walk straight and turn right.
  5. Instruction                    glue both frames and pound four nails later.
  6. Invitation                       have lunch with us tonight.
  7. Prohibition                    don't tell her my secrets.
  8. rudeness                       Shut up.


 Kinds of imperative sentence:

  1. Positive imperative                    go there.
  2. Negative imperative                  don't go there
  3. Emphatic imperative                 do go there.

In emphatic (do) is used positively:


4-     Exclamatory sentences: is a sentence that shows emotions or surprise.

  • Statement form: Ali went to America.
  • What: what beautiful shots he is playing.
  • How: how beautiful his car is! How clearly she is speaking!


5-     Optative sentence: is a sentence which is used to express a wish or prayer.

  • Ex: God bless you.
  • Ex: May you live long.
  • Ex: I wish you have a very happy married life.


6-     Absolute segment sentence: is a sentence, which doesn't have subject and verb but can express a complete sentence.

  • Ex: Bon voyage (Have a nice trip)
  • Ex: Congratulations
  • Ex: Bon appetite (Enjoy the food)
  • Ex: Happy birthday


Classification of Sentence:

It shows the number and kinds of clauses that can be used in a sentence. There are four kinds of a sentence according to classification.

  •           Simple sentence
  •          Compound sentence
  •          Complex sentence
  •          A compound complex sentence or double sentence


Independent clause = main clause

Dependent clause = adjective, adverb, noun clause


Number of Independent clauses

Number of the dependent

Simple sentence

Only one


Compound sentence

Two or more


Complex sentence

Only one

One, Two or more

Compound complex sentence

Two or more

One, Two or more


Note: If you want to find how many clauses I have in a sentence, it is very important to count the subject and verb in a sentence. This calculation shows how many clauses we have in a sentence easily.

Examples of simple sentences:

  • Ex: Ali goes to school.
  • Ex: Before coming to DOMINO center, Ali goes to school.
  • Ex: Ali goes.
  • Ex: Ali, Muhammad, and Usman study grammar.
  • Ex: Hanif, Tariq and Sohbat go to school, come to DOMINO,  and study together.


Examples of compound sentences:

  • Ex: I am sick, so you should teach my class today.
  • Ex: They didn't go with us, for they got late to the station.
  • Ex: Students come late, but teachers come on time."
  • Ex: It is raining, yet we are going s swimming.


Examples of complex sentences:

  • Ex: I know the boy who stole your wallet.
  • Ex: If you study hard, you can top this class easily.
  • Ex: I don't know why you are complaining every time. Ex: That Allah is one is a fact.
  • Ex: She can't decide what to wear in at the party where there are many important people.
  • Ex: What I want is a beautiful car, which will surprise everyone.
  • Ex: Although the test that you took was very easy, you got very fewer marks.


Examples of compound-complex sentences:

  • Ex: The teacher who teaches our class has been absent, so we have decided not to take a class today.
  • Ex: While I was walking in Saddar, I found 500 dollars, and I decided to distribute among the poor.
  • Ex: I don't know where she went, but we can find her if we try our level best.



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